Lord of The Rings

A movie that really resonates well with Game of Thrones in my opinion is the trilogy movies "Lord of the rings". The character Aragorn is like a mirror reflection to the character Jamie Lannister but obviosuly not as pure or innocent as Aragorn. Both want to do the right thing but stuggled in the beginning of their life to actually start doing right things such as Aragorn wanting to become a ranger but wanted to do more so he helped frodo to carry the ring into the mountain of flames to destroy sauron and the evil that follows it which are his army of orcs. Similar with Jamie Lannister he was part of the kingsguard that his sworn duty to protect his king no matter what, but after what happen with the mad king incident. He struggled with the blame that people call him about being a kingslayer and oath breaker but nobody knows the truth of he actually saved millions because the mad king was going to kill millions of people. Later on he try to redeem himself of some level when decided to help jon snow in defeating the night king and killing the dead once and for all.

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