The Last Episode

After Watching the last episode, it was hard to digest what happen. I found it a good way to end it but not the best way to end it, They focused on the endings of the stark family which consists of Jon, sansa, Arya, and bran to see what happens to them at the end. But with the hound fighting the mountain was good but missed out on the excitement when the mountain faced the viper and the audience reaction to the battle was missing at the end which i wanted Cercei to see the mountain lose and to see her actuall reaction.

But to the climax of Jon Snow killing Daenerys was justified in my opinion because of the tragic sin she committed of killing the whole city with her dragon was unjustified. But it was to be expected because of her past killing espicially when she killed the house Tarly by burning them alive, which she could have taken them prisoners but she decided to kill them which turned her into a monster in the end which Jon Snow decided to kill her. But left the aftermath open to interpretation when the Dragon Drogon burns the iron throne and takes Daenerys body back to her home which no ones what happens after that.

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